It's been 5 months since I posted anything, I don't have any excuses except I just haven't. Since the last post my mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimers and her health is about as bad as it can be and still be alive. I've thought often during this time what would my daddy do if he were still living. He would be taking care of her night and day and that's exactly what I am doing. They were married for 65 years and he waited on her all the time. I can't say the same for her, the week before he died she was gone to a football game. He always claimed he couldn't die during football season or mother would miss the funeral. He wasn't like that his family came first no matter what. Back to mother, a week ago when we went to the doctor she was down to 98 pounds (I'm sure she's smaller now). She has no appetite, even though I keep fixing her things and she will eat some of it and give the rest to the dog. I told the doctor that I wanted to check on getting home health and she said that she was calling hospice in. You could have knock me over when she said that, I didn't realize she was that bad. She explained when the weight dropped as low as it did it would only be a matter of time, because whatever she ate didn't have anything to absorb it. We called Hospice of Texarkana and they have been absolutely wonderful, such sweet people. Mother thinks they just come to visit she hasn't realized how bad she is. They sent a chaplain to visit with us and after talking to me he knew that we didn't need him that we were surrounded by wonderful Christian friends that are there for us in a heart beat. She can not be left alone now, so I have the responsiblity of being with her 24/7. When I do get to the point that I can't handle it anymore I have someone come and stay with her. My dear friend Jan who has been able to get mother to do anything comes and stays while I get out. Somedays I have to hire someone to come. While the nurse was here yesterday Mother's blood pressure was 60/40 and she was very concerned about this. After the visit with mother she sat and talked to me, when I told her that if I could keep her alive for two more weeks everyone would be back where they belong. Ross and Carolyn are in Florida and Rex and Mary are gone on a mission trip but all will be back July 10th. She didn't look really encouraging but said hopefully she will make it that long. I know her days are limited so if I have to sacrifice my life I will, I know that's what my daddy would do, but right now all he can do is wait for her to come home to him.