Have you ever had one of those weeks that you think if you survive it you can conquer the world. I had one of those last week. Starting on Sunday, June 28, the sanctuary choir at FBC, Texarkana had their big patriotic service, being a member of this choir I was apart of this. The next morning Vacation Bible School began. Thank goodness I was in bed babies, we had over 600 kids coming to VBS and they were all full speed ahead.
On top of all of this, I knew on Thursday that I was going to have one of the most stressful days of my life. We were going to court for Jamie and Jessica's divorce and custody hearing. On Tuesday evening, Jessica called and asked if Jim (my ex) and I would take care of the baby on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and she would have her the rest of the week. I thought, honey, we haven't even been to court yet and you are arranging things. That same night I talked to Jim and he informs me if called to testify he would testify for Jessica and not our son. Talk about unconditional love, obviously he never heard of that. We get to court and our lawyer says he's going to offer them what Jessica had suggested and she had her lawyer turn it down. For what reason none of us have figured that one out. After a trial that lasted over 3 hours, I was awarded custody of my precious granddaughter. Jessica ended up only getting to see her 2 days a week and the ex and his wife get her every other Tuesday for the day. They should have taken the deal they were offered because their greediness all came back to bite them in the butt. I'm still trying to figure out what made them think the mother was going to get the baby, because for the last 10 months, she has not had a permanent home or job. I'm the only stability that Allyssa has known. It's hard to win something when there are loads of Christians praying for the outcome to be in God's hands and what is best for the baby. Thank you to all that were praying last Thursday the prayers were definitely felt. I'm now like the dog that chases the car once he catches it what is he going to do with it. Probably just love her and care for her, with that unconditional love that every parent and grandparent should give.
8 years ago
Wow, that is awesome! I am so happy for you all.